Hi Katherine, I'm loving your "Apocalypse" story so much, you're such a good writer and I'm really curious to see how the whole plot evolves and how the final "end of everything" will happen, because one thing that entices my curiosity very much is "the future" in general, as a "place" where all our present worries won't exist anymore and how life will manifest then.

On the other hand, I felt compelled to write this comment also because this particular blog post looked like an open question from you, to some extent, as if you were actually feeling like the "Katherine" of your story and hopeless because of "global warming".

I'm saying this because I really don't think that "global warming" is happening and I say this with confidence because I have been following this "debate" for a long time, including doing my own personal research and theories instead of just reading the news on MSM, and I'm convinced that what they say there is more political propaganda than actual science.

I'm actually hopeful for a future in which life will renew itself for the better if we achieve the feminist goal of dismantling the patriarchal system, fully separate from it and end it, and replace it with a female centered society, which I think is what Nature actually expects humans to do. I'm very sure that "global warming" will not steal our beautiful future from us, if we do this.

I frequently find that most feminist sisters usually actually believe in the "warming" and they get surprised when I say that I don't. 🙂

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Hi Fran, it's Kathleen - I named the main character something very like mine because the central premise of this piece follows my experiences with a sharp turn in another direction.

I so appreciate you reading and I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts as the piece fills out. I very much do believe we have created a climate disaster, with devastating results across the globe with larger, longer, and more violent weather events. Where I live, it's especially hard to deny as we swing between huge dumps of snow one year and then this year, much too hot, the ground never even froze (very much an anomaly). And that's just my back yard.

That said, I think you will appreciate what happens in later chapters where we find out how the grid has stayed up and who is convincing the citizens to continue work under such terrifying conditions. It's never just climate change - it's also the corps exploiting the earth at every turn, even after the shit hits the fan. They think money will buy them protection, but when those protectors get hungry and scared, money won't mean much.

Lots to explore! Always glad to have you reading. Thank you.

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Hi Kathleen, I'm so sorry for misspelling your name in my previous comment, 🙃

I agree with you that Earth's climate is changing, and very much, in fact I believe we could be approaching a time of "abrupt climate change" in the next few years, and it could already have started. Your timing for your novel, in 2029, seems very appropriate in this regard. My point was only that I don't believe it's warming, but something else is happening related with Earth's magnetosphere and the Sun, which could also influence human evolution in profound ways.

Abrupt changes tend to happen quite fast, we could be living in a profoundly different world in just 10 years, but I want to be hopeful that if we can bring down the old patriarchal world it could also be a better world!🙂

Can't wait to see what comes next in Katherine's story.

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