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Look around you. Things are so not okay. But also so beautiful? I want you to have some fun and poetry and love on your way through the cosmic door.

Creative Non-Fiction: SIT WITH ME FOR A SPELL

Walk with me through the tough parts of life; let me show you the shimmering stars I’ve encountered on my way. In 2019 I was diagnosed with ovarian and endometrial cancer. I learned I have Lynch Syndrome, a genetic mutation that makes further cancer very likely. I’m a lesbian, a survivor, a write, a gardener, and, well, I can’t help but contain multitudes.


Every new chapter of LOCAL GIRL LIVEBLOGS THE APOCALYPSE goes right to your inbox, and you get to follow our heroine Katherine as she confronts the end of the world while also dealing with a terminal illness. The story is told in part through her blog posts, which offer a unique insight into her past as well as live updates on the collapse of the climate and the end of the world as she and her friends know it.


You also don't want to miss the Notes section, where we speculate about what those orcas are up to, or what the aliens are texting each other about us.

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Trust me, this shit is going to get weird. Reach out into the ether and take someone’s hand. Hey, that’s my hand! You’re mine now. Let’s go exploring.

Subscribe to Kathleen May

SIT WITH ME FOR A SPELL is about existing as someone who is trying to make the world closer to what she imagines it could be. LOCAL GIRL LIVEBLOGS THE APOCALYPSE is a serial novel about a terminally ill woman confronting the end of the world.
